NCode Sutram is a company that works in the domain of computer vision and biometrics. The company focusses on providing solutions to problems and challenges in biometrics, particularly face recognition.
NCode Sutram for Artificial Intelligence Private Limited. 48/10 - HIG Awas Vikas Colony Yojna No - 2, Jhunsi, Prayagraj PIN - 211019.
S. M. Education Centre (NIELIT Accredited Institute for O Level course) 48/10 - HIG Awas Vikas Colony Yojna No - 2, Jhunsi, Prayagraj PIN - 211019.
NCode Sutram for Artificial Intelligence Private Limited. 48/10 - HIG Awas Vikas Colony Yojna No - 2, Jhunsi, Prayagraj PIN - 211019.
S. M. Education Centre (NIELIT Accredited Institute for O Level course) 48/10 - HIG Awas Vikas Colony Yojna No - 2, Jhunsi, Prayagraj PIN - 211019.